Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Part 4

it had (has) to be done.
also, i like black and white. lots.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Part 3

its okay, Quina, i don't like planes either D:
(also, chinchillas totally bark like dogs haha)

Bit of a Breather

so here are my notes, aka, the written storyline. most of it is subject to change as a go along, because i normally find better ideas as i work. but it is good to write all of it out while it is fresh in my head!

but stilllll............

i got stuck a little bit about how to proceed :(
i had to sit down with my trusty sketch book, here are some ideas.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Part 2

need to go to sleep now. *passes out*

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Part 1

let the comic commence!
in the meantime i will be working on finding somewhere to host it....
peace out~

Friday, June 25, 2010

Chinchilla Study

i wish i had a chinchilla. it would make this whole project much easier. and more enjoyable.
therefore, youtube videos.

thanks, youtube, thank you.


i checked out what fonts i have on this computer, just to see where i stand and what fonts i have to download ( is the best site out theree!)

i found that a font can either make a comic or ruin a comic. i've seen beautiful artwork interrupted by irritating or ugly fonts. here is an example:

not only is it vaguely hideous/terrifying that they've made a Twilight graphic novel, but the font is the worst choice ever (is that times new roman? really?). not to mention those wonky speech bubbles *shudders*

but i digress.

i found this fantastic site for comic fonts:
i'm having a good time studying them! must...find...perfect...font.


never worked in a pet store. and for good reason. i would buy every animal there. no joke.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


concept designs for Quince's house C:
a small apartment somewhere in an equally small city.
normally i am terrible/lazy with backgrounds, so this was good/fun practice! on a side note, i totally want a bedroom like that.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


i'm thinking three panels. maybe four. for longer parts of the story, perhaps six/eight will be the max. even numbers are always the way to go.

hopefully i'll be experimenting soon with types of paneling in order to make story telling more interesting. i also want to play around with textures, maybe a constant texture over everything to give the comic something unique? because i'm in love with the creator of and everything he does. its super good and inspirational as well as funny.

maybe i should have studied comedy.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

i is fashionista?

i had a few ideas/concepts for clothing! of course, it needs to change with the weather... because, really, who wears the same clothes everyday??

maybe if things had worked out differently, i would be an fashion illustrator.

also, that orange vest makes me want to watch "Back to the Future." curse my subconsciousness...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Expressions3 and Colors

Last batch of expressions at the moment, will probably do more due to the sheer excitement of it all! 8D

also, i'm testing out possible colors for Quince and Quina... not too positive yet, but i think this is a possibility:

jumping time!!!

peace out for now~

Sunday, June 13, 2010


just being silly on a sunday night~

Saturday, June 12, 2010


still experimenting with PS brushes. i need to find something that looks like a pencil~

Friday, June 11, 2010


hay thar C:

i've decided to use this place to dump all of my work for my independent study. HI SVEN!!

my ever wonderful laptop was stolen from me (aka technical difficulties aka PC aka i've still refused to go to the dark side) and shipped out to somewhere in texas (i think?). no word about its status yet.
therefore i have been banished to use the older computer to work. thankfully it had all of the programs i needed and is relatively fast. whew.

so here are two main characters which will be featured in an up-coming comic of minee.